Author Archives: Sean, K8JSM - Page 10

ARRL December Contests

Don’t forget about the Rookie Roundup coming up the 19th of December.

ARRL Rookie Roundup Website:

The Rookie Roundup is a contest aimed at Amateurs licensed for three years or less. This six-hour event is held three times per year (April, August and December). Rookies can contact anybody, while “Old Timers” make contact with only Rookies. Mentoring is a big part of this event!

Remember, this month is the CW only mode, so don’t get on and start calling CQ ROOKIE ROUNDUP on phone! This would be a good time to practice your CW, and I will definitely be monitoring some of the activity. Check the ARRL’s Website on the Rookie Roundup (linked above before the quote from their site) for more information.

Also one of my favorite contests is coming up mid-December (the 11-12), the ARRL 10 Meter Contest.

ARRL 10 Meter Contest Website:

For Amateurs worldwide to exchange QSO information with as many stations as possible on the 10-meter band.

I love it! I haven’t checked any solar predictions, nor have I been monitoring the DX / Solar Updates in my e-mail inbox from the ARRL, but hopefully there will be good conditions!

Good luck,
Sean, K8JSM/4

November Sweepstakes

2010 ARRL November Sweepstakes going on this weekend. I’m active right this minute on 75-meters, and was listening earlier to 20-meters. Lots of activity! One of the oldest domestic contests, first on the air in 1932!

For more information – Click Here

Sean, K8JSM/4


Rare IOTA (Islands On The Air) station XF1RCS will be on the air until Nov. 21, 2010. According to their QRZ listing, only 5.9% of IOTA collectors have this rare island claimed! I have heard them working on 20-meters, but was unable to break through due to my poor antenna set up. I will continue to try, though! Good luck!

Sean, K8JSM/4