Author Archives: Sean, K8JSM - Page 8

More Fractals

I wanted to share a video with you that was shared with me by a friend (thanks David). It’s discussing fractals, fractal geometry, and how they came to be. It’s about 1 hour long, and was an episode on Nova, on PBS. I would love to discuss these more with someone, so please feel free to contact me or comment on my page to start a discussion!

Nova: Hunting the Hidden Dimension

Fractal Antennas

I’ve been doing some reading on fractal antennas lately, after having disregarded it the first time I came across it some time ago (thanks, David). It’s seeming to intrigue me quite a bit, and so I am contemplating a project to construct some form of fractal antenna for use, perhaps, on UHF/VHF. I will continue to research online and try to find or create a suitable pattern/layout for the elements. If you have any knowledge, experience, or information otherwise about fractal antennas, please leave a comment here!


Psycho Rover

Check out this video on YouTube of an incredible ham radio contesting van! It’s PSYCHO!

ARRL 10-Meter Contest is NOW

Don’t forget about the ARRL 10-meter Contest beginning at 7:00pm EST, Friday (today). For more information, including rules, timetables, and frequencies, check out this URL:

The solar conditions haven’t been great lately, that I have noticed, so good luck if you plan to operate! I will be having a little fun from my hillside, which permits me ground wave vertical RF in the directions from north to southeast. Perhaps from a few hours of operating, I can make contact with many different states!